Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Adverse Reactions of Gardasil

Gardasil is a vaccination that was  meant to prevent cervical cancer. It is available to young girls from the age of 9.  However, many girls and woman have experienced minor to severe adverse reactions.  These advere reacions can cause seizures, strokes, hair loss, swelling, heart problems, nerve pain, autoimmune problems, fatigue and the list goes on. Many girls have also died.  Does this sound like something that you would want your sister, cousin, girlfriend, or any girl in your life to experience?  

These girls suffer every day and the worst part is there are no answers as to why this happened or how to get better.  Doctors can not help them because they do not know how.

There are documents from 2008 that depicted Gardasil was causing coma, paralyzation, and anaphylactic shock, however, Gardasil was still on the market.  This is troubling, where was the FDA during all of this? Sleeping?

It has been shown that vaccinations do not promote health, it's fraudulent.  We may be decreasing infectious disease but we are increasing auto immune disease, such as asthma ,gastrointestinal and many other issues.

I have included a video so that these girls are not just statistics. I wanted you to see that there is a name and face to all of these cases.

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