
           We can not permit the government to impose on our rights to say no to vaccinations.  If we allow the government to make decisions for us then we are allowing them to take control of our bodies and our children.  Make an informed choice. Do not blindly trust. Accepting things because we are told to do so, does not make it the right choice for you.  There are many risks to vaccinations and the risks are knowingly withheld from us.  Vaccinations are a multibillion dollar industry.  So ask yourself, why would the government want to end something so lucrative?  If the government does not provide us with information about the toxins in our foods, do you really think they will be truthful about the toxic components in our vaccines?  In addition to being harmful to our children, vaccinations have also harmed adolescents and adults. 
            I never gave the vaccination issue much thought until I had children.  The vaccination controversy became an important part in my life when my son was diagnosed with ADHD, Sensory processing disorder and apraxia. ADHD and SPD are neurological disorders and apraxia is a motor planning delay in speech and language. I began to delve for information to help me understand the cause of his disorders and what I discovered was astonishing. 
 When people hear vaccinations they think autism, but vaccines can trigger auto-immune disorders, suppress the immune system, cause developmental delays, and many other disorders.  One out of every eighty-eight children is diagnosed with autism. Boys are five times more likely than girls to be affected.   It is a growing epidemic that has increased from 900,000 in 1991 to 5 million today.  I have three points to support my position:
 1.  The government has instilled much fear in us.  Everyone is afraid of getting sick if they are not vaccinated.  However, they do not tell us that there are benefits from having illnesses like, chicken pox, measles, mumps, and rubella.  Natural immunity lasts longer. You can have life long immunity from having the illness. However, vaccinations do not guarantee life long immunity and can actually erode your natural immunity.
2. The harmful chemicals found in vaccines are astonishing.  There is aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury, monkey tissue and aborted fetal tissue.  Would anyone of you want these chemicals injected into your body?  Even though thimerosal (mercury) has been in vaccines since the 1930’s, infants are now exposed to greater levels as the number of vaccines has increased. At two months, a child’s brain is developing and susceptible, but infants continue to receive three inoculations that contain 99 times the approved limit of mercury, (Kennedy). The increase of vaccinations can overwhelm an infant’s immune system.  At times, pediatricians administer 5 vaccinations in one visit which also leads to risk.  The frequency of vaccines today is absurd.  If you do not subject your children to play with toys that are coated with harmful metals, then why would you subject them to vaccines with harmful toxins such as mercury and aluminum?    
3. People are not aware of the alternatives to vaccinations.  One can strengthen their child’s immune system by not vaccinating.  Diet plays a pertinent role in maintaining a healthy immune system.  Partially hydrogenated fats, sugars, and high fructose corn syrup should be avoided.  However, there is another money maker, the toxins in our food.  Mc Donald’s is the worst food one can put in their body, and yet it is a multibillion dollar industry.  The vaccination industry is a big money maker and authorities will never allow it to cease.  
In 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the US Public Health Service (PHS) mandated the removal of thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines. There were vaccines left over with thimerosal, so the CDC and FDA decided to buy the left over and ship it to underdeveloped countries.  This clearly depicts profits are primary and the health of children is secondary.  Once thimerosal was removed, children were still diagnosed with autism.  This led many to believe that mercury was not the culprit.  However, mercury has not been removed from the flu vaccines.  The flu vaccine continues to be administered to babies 6 to 23 months of age and pregnant women in their first trimester.  I find this unconscionable. Many focused on mercury but there are other toxins that are detrimental to one’s health.  Aluminum is just as toxic as mercury and its toxicity can lead to neurological damage.
Some believe that the decline of diseases is the result of vaccines.  The truth is diseases declined before vaccinations due to improved living conditions and better hygiene.  
These are the facts: many adults experience severe reactions to the flu vaccine, young girls die from Gardasil, children have neurological disorders, and the list goes on, therefore, think twice before you become another statistic.  Vaccines are not for everyone.  Gather your facts before making a decision that will alter your life forever.  Vaccinations should not be mandated.  Vaccinations should be a parental choice.  Parents should not be obligated to play Russian roulette with their children’s health. 

Works Cited:
Kennedy, Robert Jr.  “ Deadly Immunity”.  Rolling Stone (2005)
Kirby, David. Evidence of Harm.  New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2005. Print are the alternatives to vaccination

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