Monday, April 16, 2012


I can not believe that we have been led to believe that mercury has been removed from all vaccines.  The video above confirms that there is still mercury in flu shots, tetanus, and meningococcal shots. Mercury has never been tested for its toxicity, so how can they tell us that it is not toxic? Just recently there was a study done on monkeys. After the monkeys were vaccinated they displayed increase in neurological disorders nad non social behaviors, ironically similar to autistic behaviors.
The Amish do not believe in vacciantions. A study was done on the Amish community and 4 in 22,000 were only reported with autistic characteristics.  All 4 children were adopted. Three of them were vaccianted prior to the adoption and the fourth child lived near a mercury based power palnt.

Although Gardasil is known to cause adverse reactions and even death among women and girls, it is now available for boys and men.  The American Academy of Pediatrics has now included the HPV vacine for the first time in its list of recommended vaccines for children and teens.  I really don't get it.  If a vaccine is known to be detrimental to people's health then why do these vaccines continue to be produced. 
In the month of September, a 10 year old boy from New Jersey received the HPV vaccine and died eight days later. How many more children must die before they pull these poisons off the market?!
Injury reports from the gardasil vaccine now stand at 20,443.

We are clearly not told the truth on the adverse reactions of vaccinations.  We need to take control and think for ourselves. 

The Dirty Little Secrets and Deception Behind the Vaccine Industry

Adverse reactions go unreported every year.  The reports are voluntary so many doctors choose not to disclose the information. Mant doctors do not want to be involved with administering the vaccine that cause irreparable damage to a child's health.

The U.S. government and other governments around the world aggressively pushed the H1N1/swine flu on the public due to deals that were made between the vaccine industry and government officials.  It is obvious to me that the government's concern for the public's health is not their top priority.  Did you know that the vaccine industry bribes the government to push vaccines on to the public? However, the government can not allow the vaccine companies to be held liable for any adverse reactions or deaths that occur due to the vaccines.

It is clear to me that you can not take anyone's word when it comes to your health or your children's.  We have to think for ourselves and do our own research.

In countries such as Sweden and Australia vacciantions are not mandatory, parents are free to make the choice of whether or not to vaccinate their children. In the U.S. people are told that we have to vaccinate but we do have a right to refuse immunization based on religious exemptions or personal convictions.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

The following commercial I created is to show the detrimental impact of vaccines on our health.  I want you all to know that you do have a right to say no. Get your facts before you make your choice. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Adverse Reactions of Gardasil

Gardasil is a vaccination that was  meant to prevent cervical cancer. It is available to young girls from the age of 9.  However, many girls and woman have experienced minor to severe adverse reactions.  These advere reacions can cause seizures, strokes, hair loss, swelling, heart problems, nerve pain, autoimmune problems, fatigue and the list goes on. Many girls have also died.  Does this sound like something that you would want your sister, cousin, girlfriend, or any girl in your life to experience?  

These girls suffer every day and the worst part is there are no answers as to why this happened or how to get better.  Doctors can not help them because they do not know how.

There are documents from 2008 that depicted Gardasil was causing coma, paralyzation, and anaphylactic shock, however, Gardasil was still on the market.  This is troubling, where was the FDA during all of this? Sleeping?

It has been shown that vaccinations do not promote health, it's fraudulent.  We may be decreasing infectious disease but we are increasing auto immune disease, such as asthma ,gastrointestinal and many other issues.

I have included a video so that these girls are not just statistics. I wanted you to see that there is a name and face to all of these cases.

The Truth About the H1N1 and Flu Vaccine

In 2010, many health care workers jobs were compromised because they they were basically told if they did not get the vaccine they would be fired. Many proteseted and ended their careers as nurses because they felt that it was an infringement on their civil rights. Many spoke out and said they did not want to be guinea pigs.  The H1N1 vaccination was not given a thorough test before putting it in the market.  Would you want to be a guinea pig? Are we not the country that represents human rights and freedom?  It makes me think that money supercedes the safety of people. Vaccinations are a billion dollar industry . Health officials have downplayed the lethal risks.  Many medical experts with financial ties to vaccine manufacturers, have influenced government decisions that unfortunately have endangered many children.

In the 1990's revenue from vaccines was $500 million, today it is $1 billion.  How could this astronomical increase occur? Well, I will tell you, they increased the mandatory number of vaccinations and therefore the revenue increased as well.

Getting the H1N1 or the flu shot does not guarantee you will not get sick.  How many times have you heard someone tell you that they actually got sick after the injection?
In 1976 the vaccine for H1N1 was taken off the market becasue many people died and were left seriously injured. So why was it put back in the market?  This is a civil rights issue and no one should be forced to put anything in their body unless they consent.

               "The strong do what they have to do and the weak accept what they have to accept."
                                     Ancient Greek historian and author
                                                     460-404 B.C

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How Are We and Our Children Realy Effected by Vaccines?

Vaccines can compromise a the immune system by suppressing and damaging it. Many children with autism have very low immune systems which makes them susceptible to other diseases and infections. Unvaccianted children are able to build up their immune system.  Why is there a vaccination for chicken pox? When I was younger everyone used to get it get over it, and move on. Nowadays, there is a vaccination for it. Why?

The elderly are also effected by vaccinations. They are mandated to recieve the flu shot to prevent getting sick, and yet, many have had severe side effects or died. Did you know that although thimerosal has been removed from children's vaciantions, it has not from the flu shot?
I think that's just CRAZY.

Mercury has been known to cause autism. The vaccine DPT has been known to cause SIDS(sudden death syndrome). The list goes on and on. Something has to be done. I am doing my part now you do your and make the right choice!